Google's Android Ice Cream Sandwich version of it by making a move similar to the Nexus One phone users is expected to present a series. Nexus Prime is expected to take the name of the device, the name of the manufacturer, the LG and Motorola took a leap forward. Today we can say that the statement confirmed that the company Motorola.
Google announced today that it would buy the official explanation of Motorola's mobile division. Last year, Business and Motorola Mobility split into two different companies, so that the mobile market will be completely withdrawn. The cost will be $ 12.5 billion Motorola Mobility to Google.
Google's buying Motorola wondering how to follow a road map. Adopting the idea of an open platform Android ecosystem, Google might not like the other partners have a brand name. However, Google will it determine the moves.
Google will remain on the statement made by the software and hardware on hand to take that company again emphasized. Also Motorola's 'Android partner' and 'Android ecosystem to strengthen the company' is stated to be.
Google's Android partners are reacted's move;
-HTC CEO Peter Chou: "Today, we welcome the news of the acquisition. This move is Google's Android, partners, and shows that it works to protect the ecosystem "
-Sony Ericsson Bert Nordberg, President and CEO: "Google's Android and partners welcome the protection that the move"
-LG CEO and President Jong-Seok Park: "We welcome the move towards protecting Google's Android and partners"